Resurfacing, Renewing, and Refreshing Skin With Frax in Foxborough
Your skin will feel like new again with Nordly Frax laser resurfacing! The state-of-the-art Frax system use two different handpieces to deliver amazing rejuvenation.
Most skin types can benefit from Frax laser therapy, as it uses light energy to exfoliate dead and damaged skin cells from your outermost skin layers. Then it penetrates deeper, destroying unwanted pigment and encouraging collagen production for impressive results.

“Laser away multiple skin issues for impressive results with Frax at Dream Spa!”

Dull skin
Stretch marks
Acne scarring
Surgical scarring
Uneven texture
Fine lines

How It Works
Your provider will apply a numbing cream to the skin in your treatment area. After that has taken effect, the Nordlys Frax system uses laser energy to generate heat in deeper dermal layers. This heating effect stimulates collagen production.
This fractional Frax laser treatment separates the laser beam into thousands of tiny beams for targeted application, removing dull, dead skin from the outer layer. This improves skin texture for a refreshed flow and faster recovery time.

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Age spots and sun damage don’t just happen on the face. They show wherever the sun can reach skin, which usually means the face, chest, hands, and arms. If you love swimsuits and sunshine, they can appear in even more areas.
Frax in Foxborough addresses superficial skin issues all over the body. The two different wavelength applications can lessen—or erase—the appearance of age spots/sun damage, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and diminish scars and stretch marks on your:
- Face
- Neck
- Chest
- Shoulders
- Back
- Arms
- Hands
- Legs
Wherever you have concerns, your Dream Spa Medical provider can examine your skin and recommend the best treatment to achieve your goals.
The 2 different Frax handpieces apply different wavelengths of light energy for specific rejuvenation results.
For Frax in Foxborough, the 1940 handpiece addresses skin hyperpigmentation. This non-ablative fractional laser helps to treat more superficial layers for topical resurfacing and rejuvenation. You’ll achieve a more even skin tone and a more youthful-looking appearance.
The Frax 1550 handpiece delivers infrared laser energy that heats up water inside the target cells and vaporizes them. One of the unique aspects of Frax treatment is that the laser light is fractionated. The heat is delivered in extremely small, targeted doses and doesn’t affect the surrounding normal, healthy skin. With Frax, your healing is faster so that collagen generation can reduce fine lines sooner, and you enjoy fresher, younger-looking skin.
This powerful 2-modality treatment system addresses the appearance of aging, scarring, and pigmentation issues.
Our goal for each patient is to achieve results as painlessly as possible. Frax laser treatment at Dream Spa Medical doesn’t hurt. The numbing gel that we apply helps to ensure comfort during your Frax laser skin resurfacing treatment. Most patients find the process wholly tolerable and painless. If you have heightened skin sensitivity, we may utilize further cooling techniques.
Patients utilizing Frax for pigmentation issues may notice tiny, dark dots appear on the skin in their treatment area(s). These spots, called “mends,” show as part of your body’s process for removing the destroyed melanin. As the skin cells are shed and the melanin rises, it may give your skin a temporary “sandpapery” feel. In a few days, they will flake off to expose your refreshed, new skin layer.
After your treatment, your skin may feel warm for several hours, including a slight feeling of a sunburn and some swelling. These, too, will pass shortly.
Pre- and Post-Care Instructions for Frax in Foxborough
- Women who are pregnant should not receive laser treatment. If you are nursing and would like to pursue treatment, we ask that you consult your PCP for clearance.
- Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 3 weeks prior to your appointment. We will not treat “tanned” skin for this treatment. Doing so would significantly increase your likelihood of post-treatment complications and hyperpigmentation.
- Please avoid using self-tanners for 3 weeks prior to your appointment, specifically in the area to be treated. If you have used self-tanner outside of the 3 week timeframe, we ask that you please exfoliate the area to ensure no remnants of the product are left in the area to be treated. The self-tanner could compromise your treatment, as the laser cannot distinguish between self-tanner and melanin (a common target for all laser wavelengths); therefore, the laser may not reach its intended target. More importantly, the laser energy could burn the surface of the skin since the laser is targeting the “tanned area” instead of the intended treatment area.
- Your provider will help guide you in your current home care routine and make recommendations on what to avoid. As a general rule, active ingredients such as acids (glycolic, salicylic, etc.), retinol products (Rx or over-the-counter), or topical prescriptions such as antibiotic or steroid creams should be discontinued 7 days prior to your appointment. The exception to this would be if you are using our suggested Environ Vitamin A treatment cream or serum (Youth Essentia A or Skin Essentia A). These products should always be used leading up to your treatment.
- If you are prone to Herpes Labialis outbreaks, we suggest pretreating with an antiviral medication for 2 days prior to your treatment and 2 days post-treatment. Dream Spa Medical is happy to provide you with a prescription, assuming that you are a candidate for this prescription.
- We ask that if you are currently taking oral antibiotics or steroids, you discontinue the medication for 10 days prior to your appointment.
- Please inform us of any tattoos or permanent makeup in the treatment area. We want to be sure to avoid treating near any ink, as the laser may disturb or discolor the area.
- It is best if you arrive to your appointment free of makeup, perfume, lotion, or deodorant in the treatment area.
- If you are currently taking or have taken a medication in the Isotretinoin family, such as Accutane, we ask that you wait at least 6 months before pursuing this treatment.
- We always suggest hydrating as much as possible prior to any treatment at Dream Spa Medical. It is a great way to help your body function at its best and will help to accelerate your healing time as well as enhance results.
- The treated area will feel uncomfortable and warm immediately post-treatment. Redness, swelling, and darkening of any pigmented lesions are an expected and desired response. Your provider will soothe your skin with cool compresses. Based upon the intensity of your treatment, your skin will feel a moderate to intense sensation of heat for a minimum of 24 hours.
- We encourage you to use a cool compress for mild to moderate heat or disposable ice packs (provided in your post-care kit) for more intensive temperatures. Apply ice to the area for 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off in 5-minute increments.
- You may take an over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Motrin for discomfort.
- If you are experiencing heat and intense discomfort for more than 48 hours, please contact Dream Spa Medical so that our team can assess and make appropriate recommendations.
- Calming products such as SkinCeuticals HydraBalm and/or SkinCeuticals Epidermal Repair will be provided in your post-care kit for you to apply to your skin post-treatment. Your provider may make additional recommendations for prolonged use and to enhance your healing.
- You will apply Epidermal Repair 2 to 4 times per day. You should apply HydraBalm throughout the day, as we want you to keep your skin moist at all times. Hydrated and healthy skin will regenerate at a faster rate than damaged and dry skin.
- Always use a physical protectant SPF (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide) and reapply throughout the day. We strongly recommend ISDIN Eryfotona Actinica as a base in the morning and ISDIN Mineral Brush for reapplying throughout the day.
- Your skin will be in a healing and regenerating phase for a minimum of 2 weeks. During this time, you will notice a sandpaper feeling to your skin and darkening of any treated pigmented lesions. Your skin will then begin to crust, and eventually your skin will most likely feel moderately dry. This will begin to dissipate, and your skin will appear smoother and brighter.
- Avoid waxing, bleaching, or depilatory use for 2 weeks post-treatment.
- In some cases you may experience a prolonged hive-like appearance to your skin, along with an itchy sensation in the treated area. This is normal and in most cases will subside within 2 to 4 days if treated with an over-the-counter hydrocortisone product.
- Avoid the use of perfumes, lotions, and deodorants in the treated area for 72 hours.
- Avoid strenuous exercise, sweating, and excessive temperatures, such as a sauna, for at least 48 hours.
- If you are treating your body, we suggest avoiding tight, constricting clothes, as this will allow your skin to cool and heal properly.
- We strongly encourage you to avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area or the use of tanning beds for at least 4 weeks following this procedure.
- All cosmetic treatments including facials and peels should be avoided for at least 2 weeks post-treatment. We also suggest waiting a minimum of 7 to 10 days post-procedure to proceed with any injectable treatments. We are always happy to make accommodations when scheduling to ensure that you are able to receive all of the treatments that you are interested in. We know your time is valuable, and we want to make it seamless for you to make Dream Spa Medical your one-stop-shop for all your cosmetic needs.
For Face and Neck Areas
- We strongly recommend ISDIN Eryfotona Actinica as a base in the morning and ISDIN Mineral Brush for reapplying throughout the day.
- Your provider will make appropriate home care recommendations tailored to your specific plan, but a general rule is to avoid all active ingredients such as acids (glycolic, salicylic, etc.), retinol products (Rx or over-the-counter), or topical prescriptions such as antibiotic or steroid creams until:
- Your skin feels “back to normal,” or
- A minimum of 7 days have passed, or
- Until the crusting has subsided.
- The exception to this would be if you are using our suggested Environ Vitamin A treatment cream or serum (Youth Essentia A or Skin Essentia A). These products can be used as early as 2 days post-treatment.