Boost Your Sex Life With the O-Shot

Vaginal health can take some work. Several factors may affect your vaginal health, like childbirth or the body’s aging process. But we can offer a solution to help soothe any irritation or discomfort.

With the O-Shot, we can increase the vagina’s natural lubrication, all without surgery. The O-Shot will also have a positive effect on your orgasms. After your treatment, they’ll last longer and feel better. The O-Shot takes advantage of your body’s natural materials, using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to deliver notable results.

“Rediscover the joys of intimacy with the O-Shot at Dream Spa!”

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What the O-Shot Treats
  • Vaginal laxity

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Diminished sensation

  • Difficulty achieving orgasm

  • Unsatisfying orgasms

  • Painful intercourse

  • Loss of libido

  • Appearance of vulva

Treatment Type:
Duration of Results:
18 months
Sessions Needed:

How O-Shot Works

The O-Shot process only lasts around 20 minutes. The first step in the procedure is a blood draw. We’ll separate your white and red blood cells in a centrifuge.

Next, we take the PRP and make injections. The injection sites are located near the upper vagina and the clitoris. These injections help increase blood flow to the female orgasm system, which can make the area feel more sensitive.

Combine Treatments for Amazing Results

Level up your O-Shot with a combination technique!

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Emsculpt NEO
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Let our team help you on your aesthetic journey!

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Pre- & Post-Care Instructions for O-Shot in Foxborough